Trade-in Policy
You receive 25% of the publisher's price in trade credit for paperback books, $2.50 in credit for each hardback book. Trade credit is good only on used books. When you pick out used books in the store you can pay up to 50% of your purchase with trade-in credit. Please call to find out if we are accepting hardcovers before you bring them in. Sometimes we do not have space.
At the time you bring your books in, we'll do our best to go through them as quickly as possible to give you back any books we cannot use at that time.
- Please bring no more than 20 books in with you at one time.
- Please be sure that you've pulled off any price stickers from your books and that they are in overall good condition.
- We do not accept discarded library hardbacks nor do we accept hardbacks without the dust jacket.
- Children's books may have a name written inside, but we will not accept books with any other writing.
- We do not accept Silhouette or Harlequin Romance books.
Thank you so much for your cooperation! Remember, if you're looking for a particular book that we don't have let us know and we can add it to your "Wish List".